Happy New Year! This is my first blog in 2016. Lots of things to want to write, but I will start from summary of Auckland development plan to 2040 which was released last year, and see how Japan Homes can contribute to it. Auckland council has planned to increase Auckland population up to about 1 million by 2040. Besides this, it will need to expand and strengthen public transportation, and building more houses which is where we can contribute the most, however the planning number of houses is 400,000. Basically it was supposed to build new 13,000 houses annually 3 years ago, but actually it was only 7,000 buildings… If calculating as it is, it would reach to 84,000 houses per year, so the 400,000 houses in 25 years sound really hard. Also the most painful two points of housing development are undeveloped infrastructure and shortage of human resource. At the stage of 2015, that affected a lot to delays of construction and price rise. How are council thinking about this issue? Simply we are wondering if this country can accept talented people who are more passionate and skilled from overseas and compensate for the lack. However we understand the corresponding of immigration wouldn’t go smoothly, which is one of good points of New Zealand so the idea would be also difficult. Thinking a little bit specific, we will talk about a new house style that will be actually built more. It’s a terraced house with no garden. Therefore construction companies that can manage human resources and innovate technology to organise systems for building terraced houses “quickly, better and reasonably’ would become prosperous. Japan Homes have also started to consider and act for building terraced houses, such as shortening of construction terms and prices with no use of concrete panels and change of roof shapes. In fact we have got a new plan of 16 terraced houses at South Auckland and discussed many times with developers. So we will focus on terraced houses for a while, but also want to keep implementing Japan Homes’ principle that we propose and practice what every people around us become happy more and more, including people living houses, neighbours, investors, suppliers, sub-contractors and our staffs too.
Ref: http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/EN/planspoliciesprojects/plansstrategies/theaucklandplan/Documents/draftaucklandplansummary.pdf
ジャパンホームズもテラスハウス建築に向けて、弊害であるコンクリートパネルの不使用や屋根の形状を変えての工期短縮や経費削減を考えて行動している。実際にSOUTH AUCKLANDにおいての16件のテラスハウスの工事案件の話もあり、その現場でもDEVELOPPERとともに、色々と打ち合わせを重ねている。