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Currently I live in overseas but could we request a renovation for our apartment? - 海外在住で、ニュージーランドには

Writer's picture: Tony LiuTony Liu

In this case, the client who lives in overseas has already purchased a property in NZ. She has been planning to renovate the property and looking for builders, then found Japan Homes on internet and contacted us.

When we got the contact from her, it’s one month to the delivery date and she told us that she would come to NZ from overseas. But the stays will be only 3 days! After that, she will go back to her place, then come back to NZ after a few months. This is a hard schedule project. Thus we need to manage this project very carefully, such as advanced consultations, checking the finishing, bringing in and out, scheduling of the meetings during the three days in NZ. The most considerate things of them are cooperation with the apartment management company and there is no elevator for business use, although the room is at 7th floor.

Because of this, we will have to bring bigger materials using stairs. Also it is quite difficult to keep parking space, which is that we need to care about. Other things we need to consider are curing sharing spaces with next door, their health and safety, noise and dust. Of course Report, Communication, and Consultation with the apartment management company is needed.

However, here is New Zealand. As always, we haven’t been able to get a good response although we have tried to contact them…. We have various tasks to be solved but sticking at each thing within the limits is only one way to advance the projects.

I summarised the client’s requests for the renovation shortly.

  1. All change from existing carpets to floorings – We need to consider about the stair parts

  2. All change of the kitchens – We need to decide the layouts if it remains including the island type kitchen, sink and tap.

  3. All change of the bathrooms – The clients want to make a showeroom bigger, install a bidet and jet bath. The new showerroom will be wider, and the bathtub size will be 70cm*170cm L.

  4. The colour of furniture such as a dining table will be similar colour. The clients don’t like the current white kitchen.

  5. Wallpapers – Brown, Beige or Grey? It is needed to check whether we can hang the wallpapers at the corner points between ceilings and walls beautifully as there are joint materials.

  6. New white ware

– Wine cabinet system – Fisher & Paykel

– Oven & Microwave, Dishwasher, Fridge, Electric cooking stove, Range hood, Washing machine & Dryer – BOSCH

  1. Tiling and heater systems for floorings – OK

There is no fundamental change, basically interior renovation only. Because of the minimum stays, through this project we will communicate with the clients via emails and skype to complete the whole project until they move in NZ. How much well we organise the schedule is an opportunity to show our skills.

We use original software during the construction, so our clients can check the current progress of the construction on internet anytime from anywhere almost every day. The pages show the newest summary of payments and the updates of works with photos and files. We proceed building works focusing on our customers’ satisfactions removing of their anxieties.





1.カーペットからフローリングに総取り替え - 階段部分をどうするか検討必要 2.キッチン総取り替え - レイアウトは現状のまま(アイランドキッチンも含めて)で良いか?シンクや蛇口も決める。 3.バスルーム総取り替え(シャワー室を大きくしたい、ウォシュレット取付、バスタブをジェットバスに変更希望) - シャワー室は幅を拡げる程度、バスタブは現状が700mm W x 1700mm Lなので、そこまで。 4.家具(ダイニングテーブル等)を似た色を希望、現状の白のキッチンは好きではない 5.壁紙希望(クロス調のパターン) - 茶色系、灰色系、ベージュ系、天井は?壁と天井にコーナーに目地があるためきれいに貼れないかも? 6.電化製品の交換 - ワインキャビネット Fisher&Paykel - オーブン&電子レンジ、食洗器、冷蔵庫、電気コンロ、レンジフード、洗濯・乾燥機 BOSCH 7.床タイル+床暖房 - OK




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