Hello everyone,
Today I want to talk about one of the initial concepts within our company. “Do basic”
It sounds simple, but it’s really not easy to continue doing it.
So what does do basic means? To us Japan Homes, whatever position we are on, we need to have improvements or new things to learn each day in order to ac
complish our comfortable and affordable mission statement.

Normally people will say a good foundation is the most important step to building a house. But for us, we know every step is equally important. Therefore we treat each step and or subcontractors equally. We make sure they are educated in Japan Homes way of thinking and improve together.
And therefore we review and open to discuss our weakness and Do Basic!
Thanks for reading!
Chinese Translation Below
我們公司的宗旨,舒適與實惠。 每一天,Japan Homes任何崗位的職員都經歷到一些改善與體會好讓我們可以實行公司的宗旨與對顧客的承諾。