Hi Readers!! Always thanks for visiting our blog!!
Do you know what has the largest impact on the cost for building work? Material? Labour?? Design???
The answer is….. labour!!
However, labour cost highly depends on working time so we actually have to save contractors’ work time if we want to save labour cost.

For example, let’s think about hiring a painter. If her labour cost is $200/day and you ask to work for 5 days you may have to pay $1,000. However, if she can quickly finish the same job in 3 days you will only need to pay $600.
Japan Homes Way To Save Time
1 Critical Path

We put all our energy into scheduling.
The more organised the site work schedule (path) is, the more saved our contractor and our employers working time is.
Usually we very carefully prepare the path for site work and every few days we update the schedule to make sure all our contractors work smoothly and timely without hassle.

This is our key strategy to keep the cost law.

2 P2P Communication

Because there is often an unexpected thing happening, we use a SNS mobile app “Line” for quick communication between Japan Homes staff.
Once one of our staff faces anything to deal with on site on, he or she shares the info with all other staff on the network, and they immediately reply and try to give solutions to the issue.
This system does not allow issues on site to delay our schedule.
3 Our Company Director Mickey!!

What if there is a more serious problem on your site that our staff can not effectively deal with?
Then our director Mickey immediately comes over to your site!!
Mickey, a Master Builder with great knowledge and skills in any kind of build work, comes and solve any type of problem on site.

Recently our client had a difficulty building concrete foundation for their new home so he asked Mickey for help.
He then worked on site 2 days in a raw and moved forward the site work.

He really likes to enjoy being on site and help site workers and our clients.

We always keep the path on schedule and never leave any problem on site.
That is our way to save the building cost!!
Thanks a lot for reading!!
See you in next post !! o(^o^*)o
Amazon Okuchi
JAPAN HOMES LIMITED Email: jphnzokuchi@gmail.com Phone: 0800 00 5055
Please visit us at our showhome: 31A Atkinson Papatoetoe Auckland
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