I went to have a consultation at a house of a client who met at Auckland Home Show. The house is built on gradual slope about 100 years ago. The ground floor is almost underfloor so it’s impossible to use, so the first floor is living area. The floor area is 150 square meters, 3 bedrooms, one restroom and one bathroom. Then it comes with a kitchen and dining that create blocked feelings. It can’t be helped as the house was built 100 years ago.
Looking at the house with my Japanese eyes, I feel the layout has too much waste spaces = Dead space. The owner also feels dissatisfaction with the poor capacity so that she called me to consult about an extension plan to gain more spaces. She has already paid $30,000 to an architect to ask design.
When I saw the design, I feel sorry but was disappointed. The two storeys extension design was created with the most advanced equipment to be built next to the 150m2 100 years old house. I thought it’s aesthetically impossible. Of course designing includes various persons’ ideas but in this case it shouldn’t be allowed. It’s OUT in designs.
Next is the functionality. The proposed layout was also not able to understand. How come the designer constructed such a strange layout? The passages and stairs occupy 30% of the extension areas, the useless internal garage areas for 30%, also the ensuite, walkin-wardrobe and bedroom at the first floor for 30%, and then the veranda for 10%. To be honest, it can be judged that the property would raise the value by building more rooms rather than a garage. In my sense the design is impossible, it’s OUT in functionality.
And let’s see the prices. The owner has already checked the construction fees for the extension with 5 building companies, and they proposed $400,000! This is also OUT because the low cost effectiveness would make the investment fail.
I decided to ask further information from the owner as I haven’t got recommendations yet. We will discuss what the most important things are, if the owner really needs extension, if there are any satisfactions in case they renovate the existing house, and if they can invest other things rather than the existing property. I know renovating house is to satisfy client’s beauty sense therefore I don’t force my opinion on them but I will advise them after confirming various things.
日本人の目から見ると、あまりにも無駄=DEAD SPACEが多いLAYOUTだなと思う。オーナーも収納がすくないことに不満を感じており、そのためにSPACE確保を目指して増築を考えているということで呼ばれた。すでに、設計士に$30,000-ドルのお金を払い、設計をしてもらっていた。
次に機能性だが、こちらも、どうしたらこのような間取りを構築できるのかというlayout。通路と階段で増築部分の30%を占めており、あまり意味のないインターナルガレージ部分で30%そして、2回のensutie,walkinwardrobe, Bedroom で30%それから、10%のベランダという構図であった。増築する部分の30%が通路、正直、今回はGARAGEならば部屋にするほうが価値があがると判断できるために、自分の感覚ではありえないことになるために、機能性でもOUT.