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10 Pin Bowling Competition!!

Writer's picture: Tony LiuTony Liu

Good day!!

Japan Homes recently had a 10 pin bowling competition with our clients, sub-contractors and friends.

10 Pin Bowling Competition in Wairau Park

We like promoting events to make fun moments for people around us.

This time we invited a total of 25 guests including our clients, sub-contractors and friends to play 10 pin bowling.

Not many people often play 10 pin bowling but everyone seemed to be enjoying playing and had nice moments with people who they had not seen before.

The funny thing was that the computer system to record play results sometimes did not function accurately: a player only had 9 pins at one throw and it recorded a strike!!

Thanks to this error many people got nice results and I, Amazon, had the best result in the competition and god the title of “The King Of Bowling” ヽ(=´▽`=)ノ  even though the last time I played was 25 years ago!!

We like to provide these kinds of opportunities for people around us to get to know more about each other.

Through these events our clients can see the faces of our subs who work for their home, our subs can know whom they provide services for and we Japan Homes staff can know more about everyone.

After the bowling games we had yummy Korean BBQ.

That was really a great evening.




Wairau Parkでボーリング競争





このエラーのおかげで、多くの人が素晴らしい結果を出せました。そして、私アマゾンは、最後にプレイしたのは25年前でしたが、今回ベストスコアを叩きだし、 “ボウリング王”のタイトルを獲得しました!!ヽ(= ‘▽ `=)!!


このようなイベントを通して、クライアントは彼らの為に働く下請け業者さんの顔を見ることができ、業務さんは彼らがサービスを提供するお客さんについて知ることができます。そしてJapan Homes のスタッフは、皆のことをもっとよく知る事ができます。




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