Japan Homes Standard Specifications
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How is Japan Homes different from other builder companies?
This is the question that our customers often ask us. In this section you can check through our finishing details and what we do to build your best affordable and comfortable home. Since Japan Homes was established in 2008 we have researched what are the best fittings and finishing details for our clients home in term of their quality, functionality, cost, work and installation time, availability, warranty and impact on the environment, and finally confirmed our best selections in 2017.
Our standard homes have two specs.
Framing and exterior are the same, so differences are in the interior details.
JS is Japan Homes Standard, meaning the highest quality items. For example, you might enjoy a fully tiled bathroom with a custom frameless glass shower and German brand items. LT is our Light Standard, which stands for more economical quality. For example, you may have floor tiles with a shower unit or a simple organizer for wardrobes. This is often a great option for first home buyers. Please see our specs for more details.
Because of our company being a Japanese company
you might expect high-levels of services from us like common Japanese products such as cars and electronics so everyday we strive to provide our services that go beyond your expectation. We provide an one-stop service from an initial consultation through home design to construction to provide the best plan for you in terms of your life plan, construction, finance, family and many other important factors.
How is Japan Homes different from other builder companies?
This is the question that our customers often ask us. In this section you can check through our finishing details and what we do to build your best affordable and comfortable home. Since Japan Homes was established in 2008 we have researched what are the best fittings and finishing details for our clients home in term of their quality, functionality, cost, work and installation time, availability, warranty and impact on the environment, and finally confirmed our best selections in 2017.
Makita is a Japanese company and their high-quality power tools are regarded as the most reliable builder tools.
They are loved by builders all around the world.
We offer a range of selections in each category of finishing work and fittings for you to choose as per your preference on Builder Trend, the online project management software. For example, we have selections of bathroom vanity on Builder Trend which you can access from anywhere with your mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer to see their product detail and you can pick up one that you like the most.
This is an easy, quick and enjoyable process to decide all the detail of your home on your own.
If you need we will provide our professional advise on what will be the most suitable selection for each category.
Japan Homes 標準仕様メニュー
これは、初めてお会いするお客様に必ず問われる質問です。 このページでは弊社が2008年に設立されてから、品質やコスト、施工期間、保証、環境保護などあらゆる観点からリサーチを進めた成果であるジャパンホームズ標準仕様をご確認頂けます。
弊社は、日本人代表として、New Zealandのお客さんの期待を超えるようなサービスを提供できるように日々努力を怠りません。
設計から工事、アフターケアまでOne-Stopサービスを行うので、一番重要な設計段階から工 事や将来のライフプランを見据えてベストなプランを提案します
弊社の10年以上に渡る建築経験のエッセンスが全て込められ、お客様にとって最高のComfortable & Affordableな住まいを実現する為に、クオリティと迅速な施工を追求して考えられた標準装備をご覧ください。
マキタは日本が誇る電動工具のメーカーです。製品は高価ですが、世界中のビルダーに、最も高性能 で信頼出来る電動工具”MAKITA”として愛用されています。
ビルダートレンド セレクション
プロジェクト管理ソフト”ビルダートレンド(Builder Trend)”には、各種仕上げの詳細や、バスルーム やキッチンの器具など仕上げに関する全ての情報が用意され、お客様の好みに応じて自由に簡単に楽しく選んで頂けます。