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Writer's picture: Tony LiuTony Liu

Hi there,

I have visited the Hamilton Gardens during Easter Holiday, which is a spiritual place for me, especially the Japanese garden.

What I Felt In Japanese Garden

On the visit of the Gardens I looked thorough the Italian and Indian garden and finally reached the Japanese garden where I felt something special, like feeling the universe.

When I was looking at the Japanese garden from inside the garden house with the low-hang eaves I understood the concept of the Japanese garden which the garden is a part of the universe.

(Japanese Garden in Hamilton Gardens)

(Looking the Japanese Garden from inside the garden house)

It is like seeing the outside world from within the tiny self.

Compared to the whole universe myself is a tiny existence.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

I somehow thought about Toyotomi Hideyoshi,  who was a samurai of the Sengoku period in Japan in the 16th century and is regarded as Japan’s second “great unifier” (see more detail).

The word ”Smart Luck”comes from his given name Hideyoshi(秀吉) meaning smart luck in Japanese. Why could he unify Japan in that period without being born in a great samurai family or fortune?

He was just a peasant.   However, people with great talent gathered around him and they helped him reach his goals.

So the most important thing for him was that he knew how to use those great people with various cultural backgrounds.

Apparently his greatest talent was in human resource management.

You do not have to have much fund and efforts to motivate people around you.

6 Things For Human Resource Management

I have just listed up what I could do rightaway for my human resource management.

  1. Basically, I must be sincere with what I do.

  2. Do not command to those people who I work with. Try to listen to their voices and show my respect to their ideas.

  3. If I need them to do what they do not like to do I should ask them to do it with my support.

  4. “Just do it!” does not work. Try listen to their speaking to the end. Focus more on the process than the result.

  5. Do not stop their speaking. If I need to say something contradictory to their opinion I will do so after listening to their speaking to the end.

  6. Do not say they are not good enough. They know their performance are not very satisfying so these words might really hurt them. Try to think about how I can do to let them enjoy working. Compare their current performance with the past to see how much they have improved.

Thanks for reading.


SMARTLUCK (秀吉)流 人心活用法

EASTER HOLIDAY中に、HAMILTON GARDENへ行った。 ここは、自分にとってはパワースポットである。


Hamilton GardenではITALIAN庭園やインド庭園などを見たが、 やはりJAPANESE GARDENに行くとやはり、身が引き締まる。 日本庭園には宇宙がある。

(Japanese Garden in Hamilton Gardens)

わざわざ、軒先が垂れている狭い建物の空間の中から、庭を見る。 「家の外の庭は、無限に宇宙までつながっている」 という思い、考え方が日本式建築にはある。

(Looking the Japanese Garden from inside the garden house)

自分という小さな枠の中から、 外の世界をみるという人間の生き方そのままの描写である。 同時に、その壮大さに比べて自分の生きざま、考え方の小ささも知る。


腰を下ろして、百姓から天下人まで上り詰めた豊臣秀吉も こういう景色をみていたのかとふと考えていた。 なぜ、家柄も財力もない、彼がそこまで上り詰めたのか? 彼の最大の武器はなんだったのか?を考えてみた。

本当に彼の周りには、良い人材が集まってきて秀吉のために働いた。 秀吉は、いろいろな文化や価値観の人をうまく活用できたのが大きい。 彼の最大の武器は「人心活用力」である。

基本、人心活用には、ほぼお金もいらず、それほど大きな努力も不要である。 自分が、すぐにできることを日本庭園で考えてみた。 1、大前提として、自分が「真摯」であること。

2、 上からの言い方をしない、丁寧に話を聞く。「わかるよ」「そうだよね」と大きくうなずく。






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